Do you struggle with messy donor data?
The first step is to get organized.
Together, we will create a comprehensive donor database which will enable you to track donations systematically, streamline acknowledgements, communicate more effectively, create online giving opportunities, and much more.
For many of my clients, these are some of the challenges that prevent them from growing:
Donations were only received by check.
There was no online presence.
Volunteer details were not captured in a database and volunteer hours were not tracked in a meaningful way.
Responding to grants was really difficult because it is impossible to answer questions about donor profiles without an organized database.
Sometimes it feels like your nonprofit donation tracking system resembles storing papers in a shoebox. Or, the Excel files or accounting reports you’ve received aren’t correctly categorized.
Is getting prepared for your Annual Appeal painful to think about, and you don’t know how to manage it?
Can donors give to you using an online form?
Are you receiving donations via multiple online giving platforms?
Do you have a comprehensive plan to capture In Kind donations?
Does it feel like you’re operating from a 1970s rolodex and can’t find accurate contact information easily?
Are you using sticky notes to remind yourself to call a donor for a very nice gift?
Is pulling together details for your 990 (taxes!) cumbersome and confusing?
Donor Management
Design and implement a Donor Management System for your nonprofit.
Volunteer Management
Identify who has the talent and skills needed to support your work in the community.
Database Coaching
If the word ‘database’ makes you want to run, I will guide you through every step.